AI-Powered B2B Data Platform Close more deals Identify your ideal customers  Access up-to-date contacts  Get verified email information

Transform your sales and marketing with AI-powered data, identify ideal customers, and get access to the freshest data available on the market.

AI Ark Main Dashboard Overview
AI Ark Main Dashboard Overview for Mobile

We help companies leverage AI with the latest market data

Top Features

Discover your best matches with data search

Our platform excels in delivering targeted B2B data. Ensure your marketing outreach is always relevant, focused, and effective.

AI Semantic Search
AI People Search
Top Features

Find, match, and target your perfect look-alike audiences

Unleash the full potential of your marketing and sales strategies. Dive deeper into your target markets and identify audiences that closely resemble your best customers improve the effectiveness of your campaigns and drive better results.

Top Features

Always current
get ahead with the
power of fresh data

Make sure your marketing and sales strategies are based on the latest, most accurate data available. With AI Ark, you get updated insights every 30 days, giving you the freshest and most relevant information to guide your business decisions and keep you ahead of the competition.

AI Ark Fresh data
AI Ark Dashbord Overview

AI Ark in a Glance

9 M+
9 M
1 %
9 Days

Transform your
B2B data strategy


What AI Ark can do for you

Unlock new business opportunities with access to the latest data

Access a comprehensive B2B database for in-depth market research and opportunity discovery.

Youtube Data

Discover look-alike companies to replicate success

Identify and target companies similar to your best customers to extend your market reach effectively.

People Data Example

Inform strategies with AI-driven insights

Formulate strategies by taking advantage of AI-driven insights.

AI Ark Vector

Enhance efficiency with precision targeting

Refine prospect searches to streamline campaigns for better results.

Smart targeting with AI Ark
Award Wining

AI Innovation

Our award-winning platform, celebrated for its groundbreaking AI technology, exceptional user experience, and transformative impact, sets us apart and drives us forward.

Clutch Champion
Manifest IT services award
Manifest System integration company award
Clutch Global

Reliable, accurate B2B data your team can always trust

AI Ark for finding trends and email list and lookalikes

Leverage the freshest B2B data available on the market

SVG Icon of money

Lead Lists​

Get targeted leads efficiently by finding data similar to existing customers or ideal prospects.

SVG Icon of search in a PC

Competitor Research

Gather insights into competitors' strategies and market positioning to stay ahead in the market.

SVG Icon of Mail

Email Marketing​

Segment and personalize email campaigns by identifying recipients with similar interests or needs.

SVG Icon of Authority

Investing Ideas​

Take advantage of AI-powered data analysis to explore potential investment options and growth opportunities.

SVG Icon of contacts


Find candidates with relevant skills and experience quickly to streamline the hiring process.

SVG Icon of segmenting

Sales Navigation​

Identify prospects who are a good fit for your products or services so that you can speed up the sales process.

SVG Icon of a hub

Business Development​

Explore ways to partner with other businesses and expand your operations to boost your business growth.

Create your email list now

Frequently asked questions

AI Ark uniquely integrates advanced AI from the ground up, rather than adding it as an afterthought to existing data systems. Our deep AI integration enables precise collection, analysis, normalization, and organization of data. This approach powers distinctive features such as Lookalike Search, providing highly targeted and actionable insights that set us apart in the data services market.

Yes, AI Ark is fully GDPR compliant. We prioritize the protection and privacy of data in accordance with the latest regulations. For detailed information on our compliance practices, please visit our dedicated GDPR page.

AI Ark has a proven track record of helping businesses grow sustainably and profitably. Our platform provides B2B intelligence and tools that refine and enhance your marketing strategies, enabling you to send targeted messages to the right prospects at the right time. You can check our case studies to see how our solutions have helped companies like a tech startup that increased their qualified leads by 150% after working with us, or a manufacturing firm that doubled their ROI and engagement rates by partnering with AI Ark.

AI Ark helps sales teams identify and connect with key decision-makers. Marketers use AI Ark for precise targeting and dynamic lead lists. Recruiters access detailed data to streamline talent acquisition. Visit our Platform page for more potential users of AI Ark.

AI Ark offers comprehensive data for companies and decision makers across multiple regions, including: EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) NAM (North America) APAC (Asia Pacific, including Asia, Australia, Oceania)

AI Ark is designed to be a valuable asset for businesses of all sizes. Our pricing structure ensures that even smaller companies can easily justify the investment. AI Ark provides extensive data access and powerful tools to automate and enhance your sales and marketing efforts, from initial contact through follow-up and pipeline management. After your first successful deal using AI Ark, you’ll have a repeatable, scalable framework for continually growing your customer base. Whether you’re a startup or a growing business, AI Ark adapts to your needs, helping you maximize your opportunities.

Absolutely! AI Ark is trusted by numerous large enterprises, including top industry leaders across various sectors. Recognizing the complex and specific needs of large organizations, we recommend discussing our Custom plans with our sales team. These plans are tailored to provide the necessary integrations, security measures, and governance required to support the unique demands of your enterprise effectively.

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